I've fallen into this pattern of sleep - work - sleep - work and I guess it's working okay?
I actually met my goals for the week already so I figured I might as well update early.
I spent a bit over three hours today working on outlining Culina's second game and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I have to work precisely on schedule to make my deadline, so I'll have a ton of writing to do the next two days, but it's not unreasonable outside of this week.
As a way of checking up on myself I'm going to try to update this blog twice a week, once on Wednesday, and once on Saturday. I'm also going to try to have breaks on the weekend, so should I feel not overly tired, I can try to get head starts (psh, that will not happen).
I'm so relieved to have a schedule though. I summarized all of the main scenes, though I will probably have to add more, and I made google docs for every part and organized them in folders. I'm pretty hopeful that this schedule will work well.
I'm also so so so glad to be done with Part 1 of Culina. I've written and rewritten so much of it >.<
In other news, I've picked up another project as well. Yes, I know, why? But it's interesting and is being done by an established studio so I'm pretty sure it'll be more organized than the one I just dropped. I'll be working on the first visual novel by Project Itzkeria. I just "interviewed" for it earlier today and I'll only be writing a fifth of it so it shouldn't kill me with its length.
I thought I'd also mention that while I complain a lot, I do not actually hate Culina and writing. It's just that I generally write these posts after doing quite a bit of work and I'm just weary.
Camp NaNoWriMo Word Count: 1082
Culina: The Spirit of Cooking Word Count: 11921 (I'm done!)
Culina: Hands in the Kitchen: 1636
Last Week's Goals:
Finish the editing of Culina: The Spirit of Cooking, for real this timeDONE! Booyah!Create a schedule for how to break up what to write in order to make my October deadline for the whole game.Done x.XWork on my 30 Drabble Challenge, but only to the extent of rewriting the two that need to have different versions and posting all the ones I've typed online.This is mostly done too. I haven't put them on tumblr yet, but they're on AO3 and LivejournalWork on my Camp NaNoWriMo story that I'm posting on textnovel.com, also in this case focus on outlining. I decided on the major points of the story about a year ago but I didn't plan anything more detailed than that.I've decided to at least temporarily abandon this.
This Week's Goals:
- Finish my Group 1 deadline for Culina.
- Think about my Project Itzkeria contribution.
- Work on my 30 Drabble Challenge.
- Work on my KHR fanfiction. I miss it.
If you'd like a real time update of my writing and complaints check out my writing twitter: RiceforBrunch.
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