Tuesday, December 4, 2012

PC Games List: Tell Me What To Play!

So...  I have been buying a lot of games this year for the PC, and I've played almost none of them.  It's quite a sad state of affairs.  So I've decided that I will let other people choose what I will play.  I'm going to make an alphabetical list of all the games I haven't finished on Steam or otherwise, and you can rank them in an order that you recommend playing.

I'll try to write reviews of the games too if there's any interest.  I don't know if they'll end up on IGM or not since I'm from Mobile, but there'll be at least a link either way.

At the moment, I'm keeping AAA and Indie games together because I'm too lazy to do otherwise.  Yeah...

Recently Bought Games:
  • A Lot.  I've marked them in bold on the list because it seemed easier.
List of Games in Alphabetical Order:
  1. The 4th Wall
  2. The Adventures of Shuggy
  3. Avadon:  The Black Fortress
  4. Bastion
  5. The Binding of Isaac + DLC
  7. Canabalt
  8. Chantelise
  9. Cities in Motion
  10. Closure
  11. Cogs
  12. Colour Blind
  13. Company of Heroes
  14. Company of Heroes:  Opposing Fronts
  15. Company of Heroes:  Tales of Valor
  16. Conquest of Elysium 3
  17. Crayon Physics Deluxe
  18. Darksiders
  19. Defense Grid
  20. Deponia
  21. Delve Deeper + DLC
  22. Dungeon Defenders + DLC
  23. Eryi's Actions
  24. Eufloria
  25. Eversion
  26. Fable - The Lost Chapters
  27. Fable III
  28. Fibrillation
  29. Flibble
  30. Fortune Summoners
  31. Gemini Rue
  32. Giana Sisters:  Twisted Dreams
  33. Greed Corp
  34. Hamlet
  35. Hinterland
  36. Home
  37. Krater
  39. Leave Home
  40. Legend of Grimrock
  41. Little Kingdom
  42. Machinarium
  43. Magicka
  44. Metro 2033
  45. Millenium:  A New Hope
  46. Namiko
  47. Nuclear Dawn
  48. Offspring Fling!
  49. OIO
  50. Oozi:  Earth Adventure
  51. Painkiller:  Black Edition
  52. The Path
  53. Portal
  54. Portal 2
  55. Project Aftermath
  56. Puzzle Bots
  57. Red Faction:  Armageddon
  58. Resonance
  59. Roboblitz
  60. Robotriot
  61. Serious Sam Double D
  62. Serious Sam:  The Random Encounter
  63. Shadows on the Vatican, Act:I
  64. Shadows on the Vatican, Act:II (Preorder)
  65. Shank 2*
  66. Skylight
  67. Soulcaster I
  68. Soulcaster II
  69. Splice
  70. Snapshot
  71. Sugar Cube:  Bittersweet Factory
  72. Stardrone
  73. Stay Dead
  74. Super Brothers:  Sword & Sworcery EP
  75. Swords & Solders
  76. They Breathe
  77. Titan Quest
  78. Trine
  79. Trine 2
  80. Unmechanical
  81. Victoria II
  82. Walking Mars
  83. War of the Human Tanks
  84. Wooden Sen'Sey
  85. You Are Empty
  86. Zen Bound 2
I'm always buying more games despite that maybe not being the best idea, so keep me posted on what I should be playing!

Last updated 2013/01/31

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